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Aaron Johannes, Ph.D.

My former site,, has been taken up to be used by my new consulting collaborative.  Check us out and be in contact if you feel we can be helpful.  


But this left me wanting to have a site where I could play a little with other ideas that were sometimes more personal than professional, or which I am just thinking through but not "presenting."  And what about all those hobbies - gardening, kite-flying, beach-combing, camping, reading novels (!!!), pets, parenting, etc..  


And right about then I read an article by Mary Pipher in which she talks about, among many other things, having "a shelterbelt of good friends and long-term partners."  And I realized that was the commonality I wanted to think more about - the stories I share within that shelterbelt of which I am so proud.  Which, when I was recently reviewing my life - in which I am now older than I ever expected to be - and I wondered, what would my mom be most pleased about, it was not my degrees or avocations or social standing, but that I have such good friends and that they are constantly there for me and at this point, in a way I hope might happen for everyone, I can completely depend on them.  



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